How Hair Transplant Works | FUT | FUE | Procedure of Hair Transplant - Best Hair Transplant and Hair Treatment in Delhi Ncr.

Hair transplant is one of the most commonly carried out cosmetic surgery procedures in today’s times. It is mostly carried out for Androgenic alopecia to treat male baldness. The procedure of hair transplant essentially involves grafting of hair from the back of the scalp to the frontal, vault and temporal areas of hair loss.

FUE or follicular unit extraction method is where the hair is taken from the donor area in the form of small grafts which are directly extracted by the use of a pen-like motor. The holes that occur after the extraction collapse in a few days time and get covered by the growing hair and become almost invisible to the naked eye. Thus this method is marketed by different clinics as the scarless technique.

FUT is the follicular unit transplantation technique where a strip of the donor tissue is taken and the follicles from the strip are separated under the microscope for transplantation. The donor area is neatly stitched by the method of ‘Trichophytic closure’ and in a well-done case, the hair actually grows through the scar. Done in trained hands the results of FUT are better than FUE technique because the scars of FUE will still be visible as dotted areas if the requirement of the graft is more.


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